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  1. XWiki Platform
  2. XWIKI-6326

Adding annotations on Main.WebSearch causes search results to not be displayed when the annotations are displayed



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Major
    • None
    • 2.4
    • Annotations
    • None


      To reproduce:

      • go to Main.WebSearch, do a search, see the results
      • add an annotation on some content in the results list
      • a message saying annotation was successfully added will be displayed but the search results will dissapear
      • refresh the page, search results should be visible
      • go to the annotation settings panel (click on the Annotations button next to the Watch button in the page menu)
      • select show annotations, search results will dissappear.

      Note that this is happening only when there are annotations on the Main.WebSearch document and that adding an annotation on the search results doesn't make too much sense (since it's a very dynamic page, it will change everytime so I wouldn't know how to define the cases when that annotation should be displayed).

      Actually the problem is more general than that, namely that request parameters for scripts are not taken into account when rerendering the document with annotated content, so it would potentially affect all scripts that use request parameters, since it will cause rerendering without the parameters and replacing the content of the document with the rerendered one.


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              lucaa Anca Luca
              lucaa Anca Luca
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