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- XWIKI-779
ZipExplorerPlugin makes zip files not downloadable anymore - XWIKI-777
XAR generated by the Maven2 build is invalid - XWIKI-773
The link field in link popup in WYSIWYG Editor should be prefilled with the text that the user selected - XWIKI-744
XWikiDocument.getRenderedContent and XWikiDocument.display do not set the proper document in the context - XWIKI-743
UsersMetaClass returns wrong type of object - XWIKI-740
The language should not be empty - XWIKI-739
Underscore can be used as a delimiter in the Accept-Language header - XWIKI-735
List properties in radio type dispays checkboxes - XWIKI-727
loginsubmit is not listed in the rights manager, preventing login on some configurations - XWIKI-716
The WYSIWYG editor does not understand the \\ filter for <br/> - XWIKI-714
Spaces in the panel list are not trimmed - XWIKI-708
Problems with whitespaces when double-clicking on words - XWIKI-706
When clicking on buttons (insert/edit image, insert an attachment link, etc) in WYSIWYG editor the new window doesn't have the focus and is opened in the background - XWIKI-705
New lines added and removed when switching from Wiki editor to WYSIWYG editor - XWIKI-631
For textarea properties, the html comment is processed by the 'del' filter - XWIKI-613
{attach} macro doesn't work in default wiki - XWIKI-610
Extra lines removed or added when switching from WYSIWYG editor to wiki editor - XWIKI-450
Save and Continue Editing does not always take into account the edit mode - XWIKI-339
The WYSIWYG editor doesn't work with non-ASCII characters - XWIKI-313
When deleting all the text in wysiwyg mode and switching to wiki mode, the deleted text is always present... - XWIKI-304
Prevent clicking on "edit" when the user doesn't have the "edit" right - XWIKI-280
Bug with Firefox 1.0.7 and the WYSIWYG editor on the 0.9.1214 version of XWiki - XWIKI-204
Handling of Carriage Return and Paragraphs in WYSIWYG Editor
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