Release Notes - XWiki Platform - Version 4.0.1 - HTML format


  • [XWIKI-1186] - SaveAndContinue must never indicate success unless the document is actually saved.
  • [XWIKI-6944] - A normal user can obtain "document admin" level by manually adding an XWikiRights object
  • [XWIKI-7309] - Exception while saving a document due to migration of boolean properties from strings
  • [XWIKI-7413] - versionCache is not cleaned when a subwiki is deleted, making it impossible to recreate a subwiki with the same name.
  • [XWIKI-7711] - Arbitrary file read access by registered users using REST interface.
  • [XWIKI-7753] - Newer versions of (doc, docx) attachments are not indexed by Lucene
  • [XWIKI-7773] - Installing extensions - extension manager
  • [XWIKI-7784] - Migrating database from 3.1 to 4.0 fails while migrating stats on MySQL 5.1
  • [XWIKI-7791] - IDs of stats objects are not properly computed and cause duplicated primary key issues during migration to 4.0
  • [XWIKI-7793] - Dot (Fullstop) in Document Name prevents documents from being displayed in Lucene search results
  • [XWIKI-7802] - The list of always used extensions on a wiki is not properly updated when a doc is saved with programming rights
  • [XWIKI-7803] - The list of always used extensions on a wiki is not properly updated when the wiki is deleted
  • [XWIKI-7804] - The list of releasable REST resource components is shared across HTTP requests without being thread safe
  • [XWIKI-7818] - links with XWiki 2.1 syntax never call setQueryString() for queryString parameters
  • [XWIKI-7834] - Installing LDAP-UI extension will change the Rights settings of a wiki
  • [XWIKI-7843] - Wrong documentation of some field of LDAP in xwiki.cfg
  • [XWIKI-7846] - The email field is not obfuscated as it should be
  • [XWIKI-7852] - Property name validation is incorrect when updating a property.
  • [XWIKI-7863] - Cannot delete a message from the AS
  • [XWIKI-7870] - Preview, Save & Continue, Save & View and Cancel buttons unreadable using Colibri skin
  • [XWIKI-7872] - Can't use the velocity macro inside Dashboard gadgets
  • [XWIKI-7890] - User avatar macro not working in a XEM environment
  • [XWIKI-7908] - Preview doesn't show my changes when editing the application home page in wiki edit mode
  • [XWIKI-7913] - Can not register a wiki-level JSX even with PR
  • [XWIKI-7943] - Impossible to save very large pages in jetty


  • [XWIKI-7853] - Upgrade to Restlet 2.0.14
  • [XWIKI-7910] - Bundle plugin is not enabled in xwiki-commons

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