The switch most probably won't be done until 14.x but it's good to have an issue to link with other issues and list pros/cons.
Java 11 is the LTS since September 2018. Java 8 is not exactly end of life (except on Oracle side) and won't be until a very long time for AdoptOpenJDK for example but our dependencies are starting to move and so will we.
Issue Links
- blocks
XCOMMONS-2107 Move to jakarta packages
- Open
XCOMMONS-2175 Get rid of Xerces dependency
- Open
XCOMMONS-2129 Upgrade to Closure Compiler v20220104 and Closure Compiler Maven plugin 2.22.0
- Closed
XCOMMONS-2147 Upgrade to Caffeine 3.1.2
- Closed
XWIKI-18152 Upgrade to Jetty 10 for the standalone packaging
- Closed
XWIKI-18549 Upgrade to HSQLDB 2.6.1
- Closed
- causes
XWIKI-22089 Impossible to use the XWiki Debian package with the Temurin Debian package
- Closed
- depends on
XCOMMONS-1561 IsolatedTestRunner fails to run on Java 10+
- Closed