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  1. XWiki Platform
  2. XWIKI-16533

Errors when trying to import a specific Excel file



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Critical
    • None
    • 10.11.8, 11.10.5
    • Office
    • Windows 10 64-bit, Chrome 75, XWiki 10.11.8 Standard
    • Unknown


      Steps to reproduce:

      1. Configure the standard wiki with LibreOffice ( used in this case)
      2. Create a new page selecting Type - Page from Office
      3. Select the attached document (002-[TEST]English-wide-table-XWikiDatabase-1SheetXLSX.xlsx)
      4. Import the file with style filter deselected/selected

      Expected results: The file is imported properly.

      Actual results: The file takes a very long time to import, keeps loading, and then errors appear in the wiki page and in the console.
      When I first tried to import the file I got https://up1.xwikisas.com/#27um21ti2EHJNc5FcyKxfQ

      The second time I've changed the Java Memory in Windows (-Xmx2048m) - http://www.messiahpsychoanalyst.org/wikihow/index.php/How_to_Increase_Java_Memory_in_Windows and I got in the wiki console:

      2019-06-26 14:45:02.806:INFO:oejshC.xwiki:http://localhost:8080/xwiki/rest/notifications/count?media=json&userId=xwiki%3AXWiki.Admin&useUserPreferences=true&currentWiki=xwiki&async=true&_=1561549499375: RestletServlet: [Restlet] Attaching application: org.xwiki.rest.internal.XWikiRestletJaxRsApplication@1d76fbd to URI: /xwiki/rest
      java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
      Dumping heap to data\java_pid16980.hprof ...
      Heap dump file created [1098856008 bytes in 8.951 secs]

      And in the XWiki page: https://up1.xwikisas.com/#8fgGFHD2wuNVf3C6gN-ZGQ

      I've imported other excel files with no issue but this seems to have issues.


        1. 002-[TEST]English-wide-table-XWikiDatabase-1SheetXLSX.xlsx
          854 kB
          Gabriela Anechitoaei
        2. Cloud.jpg
          22 kB
          Gabriela Anechitoaei
        3. CloudExcel.jpg
          188 kB
          Gabriela Anechitoaei
        4. GCOverheadLimitExceeded.png
          101 kB
          Gabriela Anechitoaei
        5. ImportExcel2.jpg
          64 kB
          Gabriela Anechitoaei
        6. Results.jpg
          177 kB
          Gabriela Anechitoaei



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            ganechitoaei Gabriela Anechitoaei
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