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  1. XWiki Platform
  2. XWIKI-19926

In place editor for object properties does not work when used on a translation (not the original document)



    • Unknown


      Steps to reproduce:

      • create a class, for example with app within minutes, with some property in it
      • if the app is created with app within minutes the sheet will be automatically created and written with support for in place properties editing (since XWIKI-17214 )
        • otherwise setup in place editing for the properties of the app in the sheet
      • create a page with a translation
        • set the wiki in multilanguage mode
        • create a page - for example, in english
        • create a translation for this page - for example in french
      • alternatively, follow the next steps with Sandbox.TestPage1 from the standard distribution which is translated
      • add an object of the class you created in that page
      • while viewing the translated page - for our example above switching the language to french, click on the crayon on the page to modify a value of a property
      • fill in a value
      • click the V sign to confirm the save of the new value

      Expected result:

      The value is saved and shown right away on the screen as well as displayed when the page is refreshed.

      Actual result:

      The value is not saved, it's not shown on the screen and it's not displayed when the page is refreshed.


        1. Selection_237.png
          10 kB
          Anca Luca
        2. Selection_238.png
          10 kB
          Anca Luca



            Unassigned Unassigned
            lucaa Anca Luca
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