The region to drop down more actions has a link nature instead of a button.
Quick definitions:
Links take the user somewhere, buttons do things
More formal definitions, from mdn web docs:
The <a> HTML element (or anchor element), with its href attribute, creates a hyperlink to web pages, files, email addresses, locations in the same page, or anything else a URL can address.
The <button> HTML element is an interactive element activated by a user with a mouse, keyboard, finger, voice command, or other assistive technology. Once activated, it then performs an action, such as submitting a form or opening a dialog.
Here, we want to open a dialog, so we should use a button.
This change is important for screen readers: they won't read the region the same way depending on its nature.
Issue Links
- causes
XWIKI-22523 Hitting the Enter key in fields on XWiki pages opens the hamburger content menu
- Closed
- is related to
XWIKI-19129 Button 'More Actions' has no description
- Closed
XWIKI-19138 More actions can't be focused by tabulator
- Closed