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  1. XWiki Platform
  2. XWIKI-22383

Display the macro name next to the move handle when hovering a macro in the wysiwyg editor



    • Improvement
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Critical
    • None
    • 16.4.1
    • WYSIWYG Editor
    • Unknown


      Today, when hovering a macro in the wysiwyg editor, there is a border that is displayed to mark the macros boundaries and a move handle on the top left, allowing to move the macro in the editor.

      However, there is no way to know what macro that is - the name of the macro is never displayed, nor on hover or other.

      When macros with wiki content are used and multiple such macros are imbricated, it can be very useful to understand the structure of the page to have the name of the macro displayed next to the move handle on the top-left of the macro. Since we're taking room in that area of the screen anyway, it would be very useful to display the name of the macro as well, it would help a lot (even if it may not fix all problems). We could display it on a grey background, as the move handle, and we can display it with a certain transparency if we want the elements under to be visible as well.

      This is related to the usability of macros in the editor, as XWIKI-22046 is.


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              lucaa Anca Luca
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